Dr. Thomas Seyfried's educational Cancer kit

Md Shahadat Hossain, founder of EasyHealthEducation.com, contacted Professor Dr. Thomas Seyfried PhD over email seeking help to fight Shahadat's sister-in-law's (Shirin Sultana Monti) stage IV Cholangiocarcinoma in the liver with metastasis in her lungs.  National Health Service (NHS) tried everything they could throw at her cancer without any luck. She took part in a number of clinical trials over 3 years and they tried Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy and whatever else was possible for them. She suffered huge side effects and at the end, tumours were growing! That is when, Shahadat asked for Prof Seyfried's help. In reply, Prof Seyfried very kindly shared his educational kit for cancer patients. 

Please note, this email was sent for educational purpose only. 

Sun, 14 May 2023, 20:46

Professor Dr. Thomas Seyfried
to me <Shahadat Hossain>

Dear Shahadat,

It is important to mention that I am not a physician and cannot treat cancer patients or give medical advice.

Attached is the information kit and papers that I send to those who might be interested in learning more about non-toxic metabolic therapy as an alternative to standard treatments for cancer management.  The metabolic therapy targets the defect in tumor cell energy metabolism that is the common malady expressed in most, if not all, cancers regardless of tissue origin or gene mutations. It is important to recognize that all cancers suffer a similar metabolic malady in that they require fermentable fuels (glucose and glutamine) for growth.  


In my opinion, metabolic therapy can be effective in managing cancer progression if done correctly and under the supervision of an appropriately trained and knowledgeable physician or nutritionist. The attached information lists professionals who are trained or knowledgeable in implementing metabolic therapy using the ketogenic diet for cancer management.  Unfortunately, most physicians and oncologists are unfamiliar with the concepts and procedures of metabolic therapy.  This lack of familiarity thus places most of the burden of treatment on the patients themselves. Some level of scientific literacy will be needed to understand the attached papers.  The attached case report on “Pablo Kelly” describes how he alone was able to manage his brain cancer without radiation or chemotherapy.


You can gauge the efficacy of metabolic therapy by measuring the daily Glucose Ketone Index (GKI) while under a medically supervised ketogenic diet.  You will need to purchase the Keto Mojo ketone glucose meter (GK+ blood glucose & b-ketone dual monitoring system).  The meter and the glucose ketone strips are available through Amazon.  It is our view that therapeutic efficacy will be potentially best with GKI values of 2.0 or below.  It is also best to measure the GKI 2-3 hours after eating. The attached Meidenbauer et al paper describes the procedure. 


In addition to glucose, the amino acid glutamine is also a fuel for cancer cells. It is easier to restrict glucose than it is to restrict glutamine, however.  There is no food that can restrict availability of glutamine! The drug 6-Diazo-5-oxo-L-norleucine (DON) can be effective in targeting the glutamine pathway, but the drug is difficult to obtain and must be administered intravenously by a trained medical professional. Attached is information from a company that sells DON.  I have validated the therapeutic efficacy of the product from this company. Patients would need to find a physician that can order the DON from the company and administer this (intravenously) according to the dosage information in the Lemberg et al., Sullivan, and Mueller et al., papers (attached). Sodium phenylbutyrate can also be effective in removing excess glutamine from the blood.  Any physician can prescribe this.


The anti-parasitic drugs, mebendazole or fenbendazole, can have similar therapeutic efficacy as DON.  These drugs are easily available, are relatively inexpensive, and can be administered orally. We believe that their efficacy is best when administered under therapeutic ketosis (GKI near 2.0 or below).  The attached paper from Canete and information included from Joe Tippens provide information on dosages (https://youtu.be/yWsXxWcYeV0).   The soon to be published book by Dr. Angie N Choi, “Whole New MeHealing From Cancer in Body, Mind, and Spirit”, provides additional information on dosages, timing, and scheduling of the various drugs and procedures needed for the non-toxic metabolic management of cancer.


I also suggest that persons considering metabolic therapy for cancer management should read Miriam Kalamian’s book, Keto For CancerHeidi Pfeifer at MGH, Boston can also help with ketogenic diet therapy (heidipfeiferrd@gmail.com). You can also reach out to Alicia Halikas-Hickson who is very knowledgeable in treating cancer patients with metabolic therapy (LifeSpan Integrative Clinic? https://www.lifespan-clinic.com/).


You can contact Daniel Orrego regarding treatment with DON (daniel@hippocratesresearchfou).


As a patient, you can always ask your oncologist if you can do metabolic therapy before standard of care or together with standard of care.  Cancer patients and their family members should ask these three simple questions of their oncologist.


1.  Will the treatment you are proposing for me be able to reduce the availability of the two fuels (glucose and glutamine) that are driving the dysregulated growth of my tumor?


2. Will the treatment you propose for me be able to target my tumor cells while enhancing the health and vitality of the normal cells and tissues of my body?


3. Is the treatment you are proposing for me based on the somatic mutation theory or on the mitochondrial metabolic theory of cancer? This question should be asked only if you get logical answers to questions 1 & 2.


The answers to these questions could predict the patient’s destiny.


It is important to know that support for my research on cancer comes entirely from philanthropy and private foundations.  I update the information in this kit regularly and provide it to you without compensation.  If you find that this information is helpful to your situation, please consider making a donation to the “Foundation for Metabolic Cancer Therapies”, which is dedicated to supporting our studies using metabolic therapy for cancer management with 100% of the donated funds going directly to research on metabolic therapy for cancer.  The Foundation for Metabolic Cancer Therapies is a (501(c)(3) foundation (EIN # 46-4127870). The donation tag “donate” is on the top row of the foundation site (http://www.foundationformetaboliccancertherapies.com/). The Foundation address is 3213 West Main Street #256, Rapid City, SD 57702.  The Foundation encourages donations through the PayPal Giving Fund because they process the tax info by sending out receipts and charge no fees so that 100% of the money goes to the foundation.  The PayPal giving fund or a check is also an easy option for larger donations. No donation amount is too small or too large.

Please email me to acknowledge that the information I have provided is educational and not medical advice.



Professor Seyfried






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Here are the URLs of some of the papers Dr. Seyfried shared (pdfs can be found in the 'attachments' link above):